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My Illusions
更新时间:2025-03-13 12:17:15

Whn I was just a littl girl, my rlativs all said to m,You ar not a bautiful girl. If you want to b paid attntion to, you must work hardr than othrs.Ths words hurt m. So I wantd to b a bautiful girl, just lik th Snow Whit. That was my illusion whn I was fiv yars old.

My Illusions

I grw up. Whn I was tn yars old, I wantd to b a scintist. I blivd that if I was a world-famous scintist, I would b noticd by popl all ovr th world. I could do many good things for thm.

Now Im fiftn, I hav my third illusion: I want to b a singr. Bcaus I lov singing. I lov music. I vn want to produc music myslf. I also want to lt th ntir world har my voic and my songs, though Im not th bst singr.

I know all ths ar just my illusions. Mayb thy will nvr com tru. But Im still vry happy bcaus of my illusions.

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