Travl is a vry good mans of broadning a prson's prspctiv.
Travl may rliv a prson of bordom and gloom.
Travlrs can choos diffrnt mods of transportation which hav advantags and disadvantags.
Travl is a vry good mans of broadning a prson's prspctiv. It maks you com into contact with diffrnt culturs, mt popl of diffrnt colors and go through pculiar rits and crmonis. Travlling much, you will not only nrich your knowldg and xprincs, but also b awar of th vastnss of natur.
Travl may also rliv prson of bordom and gloom. Travl brings you njoymnt and attraction. It givs you a plasant xprinc, which will disprs your bordom and mak you forgt whatvr annoys you. Travl broadns your mind and lavs you good mmoris. Latr, you may go ovr ths mmoris and njoy your past xprincs, thus kping a frsh and sunny mind.
Th fild's his study, natur was his book.
Travlrs can choos diffrnt mods of transportation which hav advantags and disadvantags. Airplans ar th fastst but also th most xpnsiv. Buss and trains ar lss xpnsiv, but thy soon mak you fl crampd and uncomfortabl. Ships provid you with comfort unlss you gt sasick. Most popl can afford travling by bicycl, which, although slow, can limbr up your muscls and gt you closr to natur.
本文首先陈述了旅游能够开阔人们眼界的原因,接着指出为什么旅游能够消除烦闷、抑郁的心情,最后说明进行旅游可采取的不同交通工具的优缺点。本篇各段解释言简意明,主题突出。“com into contact with…”,“nrich you knowldg and xprincs”,“b awar of th vastnss of natur”,“disprs your bordom”,“broadn your mind”等词语的恰当搭配,生动而准确地表现出了旅游的益处。