I would lik to b a voluntr of XPO 2010 in Shanghai in my spar tim. My rasons ar as follows:
First of all, it is a good virtu to hlp othrs, vn in modrn socity. W all nd othrs hlp in cas w gt into troubl. Scondly, w ar abl to bttr ourslvs by hlping othrs bcaus w gain valuabl xprinc and build up our confidnc whil srving othrs. Whats mor, voluntring maks us fl bttr about ourslvs, thus making our lif mor njoyabl. Mor importantly, w can mak th world a bttr plac to liv in by voluntring to improv it.
In summary, voluntring can mak a diffrnc to our lif, so I think it is vry rwarding to b a voluntr.