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愉快地工作(Happiness at Work)
更新时间:2025-03-02 05:40:07

if you ar a rlativly junior mploy at your company, though you carry out a vry important rol, you may not always b rcognisd. you might also fac som of th following challngs:littl fulfilmnt at worklong working hoursconflicting dmands on your tim and loyaltylittl balanc btwn prsonal lif and work commitmntstight dadlinsmanagmnt prssursstraind rlationships with th important popl in your liftight prsonal financslack of any say at workintrnal politics and a rigid company structurbullying within th workplacfw promotional opportunitisyou ar thrfor facd with a numbr of dilmmas in your workplac.on th on hand you want to b involvd in rwarding, njoyabl and fulfilling work, gt rcognition and promotion for your fforts, and b apprciatd for th ky rol you play in th company.on th othr hand you want a balancd lif with tim for th things you rally want to do with a full and intrsting social lif. of cours you want to hav clarity about your carr, job dutis and you want to continu to b halthy, fit and strss fr.so what’s th bst way forward?! how can you too achiv a zn lik happinss at work?on ky to rsolving ths smingly conflicting challngs is to gt clar about just how much you lov th work you do. is what you do somthing you jump out of bd vry morning, or would you rathr b doing somthing ls?how motivatd ar you with your work? and how do you cop with th day to day routin offic work?a uk survy last yar found that almost 2 out of 3 popl ar dissatisfid with thir jobs. and i am sur thr is a similar situation in th usa and othr parts of th dvlopd world. this mans that thy ar ithr apathtic about finding what thy rally lov doing or thy ar rsignd to bing in this situation.no mattr how good things ar in othr parts of your lif such as family, social lif and rlationships, work is a major part of your lif, and not to b nglctd.sinc for now you hav chosn to b in th job you ar in, it is up to you for th tim bing to mak th most of what you do. of cours in th long trm, you can ithr chang your job or vn mbark on a nw carr. but for now, you can gt to lov mor of what you do right now.assuming that in th short trm you ar not abl to chang jobs, thr ar a numbr of things you can do to bgin njoying mor of what you currntly do. ask yourslf - is it th job or is it you? and what can you do to mak your currnt work mor njoyabl?stop acting th victim. you ar rsponsibl for your lif and if you can’t immdiatly chang th job you ar in, thn it is up to you to mak th most of it.hr ar som simpl tips for gtting to njoy your currnt job.1. on th way to your workplac, gt yourslf motivatd to fac th day. think of how th work you hav allows you to hav your lif outsid of it, such as a grat social lif. a positiv attitud will mak th day mor plasant and productiv.2. kp your work in prspctiv. you can only do th bst you can in ach situation. look byond yourslf and your work, and considr th biggr pictur. do som voluntary work to gain a broadr outlook. find a way to contribut to socity in gnral.3. rmmbr that you ar mor than your work. do not hav your idntity too strongly tid to th job you do. giv up thinking that your work lif “should” b a crtain way. such xpctations of what you wr supposd to b, as st by your parnts and tachrs, stop you from njoying what you currntly do.4. plan your tim. in your to-do list includ long trm projcts as wll as th mor imminnt things that nd doing. prioritiz your to-do list - do th most important things first. whn prforming any task, ask yourslf - is this th bst us of my tim? schdul in nough tim for your studis tc.5. concntrat on th task at hand. do not lt yourslf b distractd by worrying about all th othr things to b don or losing nrgy ovr th undsirabl situation you find yourslf in. stay in th momnt.b ruthlss and tak car of a task bfor it gts on a possibl procrastination list. for xampl, sort your morning post immdiatly in on go – opn it, fil it, act on it or bin it thr and thn.6. clarify anytim you ar not sur or whr you ar facd with conflicting dmands. th mor clar and upfront you ar with your managr and th othr popl you work with, th bttr it will b for you in th long trm.7. dlgat whrvr appropriat. dcid if thr is anything that can b dlgatd, or that mor fairly blongs to somon ls’s work load. always rmmbr th “3d” rul – do it, dump it or dlgat it - nvr handl a pic of papr twic.8. hav rgular braks. gt away from your normal workplac vn if only for fiv minuts. try taking a brak from th laptop , mails and do lav th mobil bhind. mak sur that you do hav that lunch brak – it is not just for food but also for frsh air and a mntal brak.at a halthy lunch and if you must snack, mak sur it is halthy too – an appl rathr than a bag of chips. look for ways of nrgizing yourslf othr than from adrnalin and caffin.9. larn to rlax no mattr how challnging th work gts or how dmanding your bosss bcom. at th nd of th day it is only a job, and you ar much mor than that. in yars to com, you will look back and wondr what th fuss was.10. contribut towards crating a plasant work nvironmnt. do not gossip in th offic as it just crats ngativity all around. do not listn to any gossip ithr. minimiz your tim with popl that you do not rsonat with or lik.larn to hav mor fun at work. laugh mor and chill out. prform with a mor fun orintatd approach.11. rviw your day bfor you lav for hom. look at what workd wll, and what could b improvd th nxt day. if you fl satisfid with th day’s work, thn why not rward yourslf latr that day. you dsrv it.12. switch off onc you lav work. you ar alrady at work a third of your tim, so do not continu to kp it buzzing in your had during your supposd fr tim. mntally say good by to your work spac th momnt you lav for hom.s your work as a gam. lif is mant to b fun and if you ar going to spnd a third of it at work, you might as wll njoy th gam.

愉快地工作(Happiness at Work)

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