hina's world 110m hurdls champion liu xiang works out at a training sssion in xinzhuang, shanghai, sptmbr 24, 2008.[osports]th 25-yar-old athns gold mdallist will consult mdical xprts in thr citis, including a stop in houston to mt with doctors who hav workd with nba all-star yao ming, titan sports said on wdnsday."w will b taking (x-ray) imags and som matrials from inspctions for xprts thr to hav a look at, and hav thm tak a look at liu xiang's foot," liu's coach sun haiping told th papr."w'll ask thm to provid diagnoss and som suggstions for tratmnt, but w won't dcid on a cours of action until w'v rturnd hom and wighd up all th options," sun said.liu, whos grimacing xit from th first round of th 110 mtrs hurdls cloudd th gams for millions of hom fans, has bn tratd with traditional chins mdicin and massag ovr th past two months.th hurdlr is back in light training but sun said last month that h was unlikly to rturn to comptition until nxt jun.sun said chins doctors would accompany liu on th trip, and continu thir cours of tratmnt."unlss it's absolutly ncssary, w will do our bst to avoid surgry," said sun.