invitationdar ruth,nxt friday, sptmbr th fifth, is tom's birthday. i thought it would b plasant to hav som of his frinds hr to hlp him clbrat. will you com? w'll hav dancing from nin until midnight, and thn cut th birthday cak!both tom and i ar vry agr to hav you hr, so don't disappoint us!affctionatly yours,li huaaugust 31, 1998r. s. v. paccptanc of th invitationdar li hua,thank you for your invitation to join you at tom's birthday party on nxt friday, sptmbr th fifth. i'm fr for th party on that day, and will b glad to mt and talk with you about our frindship.i will b at your hom at nin sharp, and look forward to sing you.cordially,ruth