Protct nvironmnt(环境保护) Th arth scal chang of climat has brought a nw kind of natural disastr and th dvlopd and complicatd city systm is holding a latnt risk of xpanding th damag artificially. Also popl has bn spoiling th halth sinc th immns quantity of chmicals hav bn producd and alrady usd in pursuit of convninc and various toxic substancs hav bn producd unintntionally and accumulatd in nvironmnt. Thrfor, W nd som countrmasurs from th viwpoint to prvnt th city nvironmnt form disastr and to manag nvironmntal risks. So w will dvlop and improv a nw risk managmnt systm and a disastr prvntion systm to prsrv and crat th city nvironmnt whr popl fl asy and sound in thir lif.