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更新时间:2025-03-07 10:37:48

  Rolling the Yangtze river east a mill, the and brave in turn to launch, but I think that not delimit stratagem, brave enemy, the improper doesn't take the pen, wu fixed gun. Like han room LiuChan, gaily all day, ignore the palace, and is willing to give the shu, finally had staged let one of sneer at things, ran. e characters, but I think all not equal to the bore is clear. these characters and state we can see that the importance of one's character. Character relationship with success.


  Each people all have own goal, as long as dependable walk good for success in the process of each section of the road, believe that success will not far. When we looked at others envy success, often ignored him on the road to success pay difficultly. Like bing xin said: the success of flower. people got only act she present mingyan! But when her yaren, soak the struggle leiquan, a sacrifice xueyu blood rain!

标签: 生命 读后感
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