煎鸡蛋(Making a Scrambld gg)lingling askd hr frinds to com to hr hom. sh wantd to mak somthing nic for thm to at. sh just larnd how to mak a scrambld gg. sh trid to mak it for thm. sh brok ggs in a bowl and put som salt in it. thn sh placd a frying pan on th stov, and put a littl cooking oil in th pan. whil sh was waiting for th oil to bcom hot, sh stirrd th gg in th bowl. as soon as th oil bcam hot, sh pourd th gg into th pan, as on sid turnd yllow, sh turnd it ovr. whn both sids wr cookd.th scrambld gg was rady to at.lingling's frinds cam and had th srambld gg. thy likd it vry much. lingling was so happy that sh could cook for hr frinds.“煎鸡蛋”英语作文译文:玲玲邀请她的朋友来她家做客,她想为朋友们做点好吃的。地刚刚学会煎鸡蛋,决定试着为朋友们做一做。她先把鸡蛋打在碗里,放一点盐:然后把煎锅放在炉子上,往锅里倒些油。在等待油加热时,她把碗里的鸡蛋打散。当油一热,她立刻把打散的鸡蛋倒入锅内。一面煎黄时,立刻翻过来煎另一面,两面都煎好后就可以吃了。玲玲的朋友品尝了她做的鸡蛋,她们都很喜欢。能为朋友们做吃的,玲玲感到非常高兴。