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A library
更新时间:2025-02-17 11:32:56

A library

A library

A library usd to b only a building with a lot of books and a vry quit plac to m. I had nvr wantd to ntr a traditional library bcaus it was a boring plac for a child. Sinc I bcam a snior high school studnt, I hav mor homwork that rquirs m to find th latst information on a topic or som good idas. So I got into th habit of going to th library, and I can't tll you how wondrful it is! thr ar so many intrsting books I'v nvr rad, including novls and books about scinc and computrs. Most important of all, thr ar vn a lot of famous classic films, which ar vry popular. Now I also hav somthing ls to do whn I'm in a library: studying. Studying togthr with a lot of popl is a good xprinc. Now I'm nvr bord whn I'm in a library. Do you want to s how much fun it is? Com with m to a library today!

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