I hav a good frind. His nam is Chin Daib. H is 15 yars old. W both want to b dtctivs. H is vry clvr. H is just a scondary school studnt but h is clvrr than any othr studnt. I think h is as clvr as a univrsity school studnt. His favorit dtctiv is Kindalchi Hajim. H wants to b just as famous whn h grows up. H is as hlpful and brav as Shrlock Holms. H is gnrous to his frinds, too. Whn h has som nw dtctiv books, h always shars with m. So I am willing to lnd him books, too. His favorit writrs ar Jinguchi Lanbu and A..W. Mason. His favorit book is At th Villa Ros. I think it is a good dtctiv book, too. I rally think h will b a vry good dtctiv. H is my bst frind.