Failwithsuccss Fail with succss
Th faild that is vr
Just bcaus of carlss
Bcaus proud
Bcaus vry small rason
Th faild onc thinks a lot of rasons
But th fw prson thought of
That prhaps is do things by halvs
Prhaps is hav no undr prsistnc go
So with wip a shouldr but ld succssfully
Hav no frustratd road
That just isn't th most prfct
Th ship always roamd about at plasur undr th hot sun
Always will not arriv dstination
Hav no blossom
Hav nvr bn pourd by rain
Hav no small grass
B not trampld by th prson
Hav no rock
Hav nvr bn trampld by th prson
Is xactly common
Ordinary of
Cratd miracl
Bliv a prson also similar
Will onc xprinc failur as wll
I am nd to arriv succss