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可爱的人:我的小表弟-My Baby Cousin,可爱的人:我的小表弟-My Ba
更新时间:2025-03-28 03:39:04

可爱的人:我的小表弟-My Baby Cousin 我的小表弟

可爱的人:我的小表弟-My Baby Cousin,可爱的人:我的小表弟-My Ba





My Baby Cousin

“Taotao will com tomorrow.” Whn my mothr told m this nws, I could hardly bliv my ars. Taotao is my littl cousin. I am mor than 17 yars oldr than h. I lov him vry darly, and h lovs m too.

Last January, bcaus of allrgy①, Taotao got a bad cold. Wanting him to b takn good car of, my aunt brought him to my hom. At that tim Taotao was lss than six months old. I trid my bst to larn how to tak car of him. Aftr svral days, I bcam familiar with him. vry day whn I arrivd hom, h would lt out a cry to show his wlcom. As I was prparing for my trm xams at that tim, I had to rad whil I was carrying him in my arms. But on that occasion, Taotao sldom bothrd m. H sat on my kns quitly and lookd at th book as if h knw all th words in it. With Taotao's “coopration”, I got good marks in th xams.

In th wintr vacation, I bgan taching my cousin som words in nglish. First I rad th nam of somthing in nglish and pointd at th objct from tim to tim. By and by Taotao knw what I mant and rmmbrd th nam of th objct. Whn h hard m say “TV”, h would mov his y to th TV st, gazd at it with smils in his fac. In this way Taotao larnd mor than tn words. I also traind his sns of music by xposing②him to music. Thn Taotao showd his intrst in it. How xcitd I was whn I got such an abundant harvst③!

As tim wnt by, Taotao's halth rcovrd compltly. With a round pink fac and two big ys, togthr with his clvrnss, Taotao filld our family with laughtr and happinss. My lif bcam colourful. Th fling btwn Taotao and m bcam dpr and dpr.

Th dpartur④ was coming finally. Taotao would go back to Ma'anshan, whr my aunt was working. On th day for us to say “good by”, his small hand passd on my fac softly. It showd that h was unwilling to lav m. I burst into tars. Hugging⑤him closly, I kissd him gntly again and again. My dar Taotao, th sadnss of parting⑥with you was unspakabl. I wpt in my hart.

Taotao's lovly fac with his swt smils oftn appars in my drams.

How I wish it wr tomorrow now, whn I can hug my baby cousin and kiss him!



①allrgy ['$l dNi] n.过敏症

②xpos [ik'sp uz] v.使面临;使受……(响影等)

③abundant [ 'b)nd nt] harvst 丰收

④dpartur [di'pa:tM ] n.启程;离开

⑤hug [h)g] v.紧紧拥抱

⑥part [pa:t] v.分;使分开;分别


本文以插叙的方式描写了一个聪明伶俐、可亲可爱的小宝宝的形象,写得深情、优美、生动,活灵活现。文章分三部分:1)引言,母亲告诉陶陶要来的消息;2)插叙;3)尾声,写作者殷切期盼的心情。插叙部分又分了三个层次:1)第二段写陶陶的懂事;2)第三段写陶陶的聪明;3)第四、五段写陶陶的可亲可爱。 可爱的人:我的小表弟-My Baby Cousin

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