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写摘要:莫扎特的首次演奏-Mozarts First Recital (演奏)-Mozarts
更新时间:2025-03-25 10:41:51

写摘要:莫扎特的首次演奏-Mozarts First Rcital (演奏)-Mozarts First Rcital 莫扎特的首次演奏

写摘要:莫扎特的首次演奏-Mozarts First Recital (演奏)-Mozarts



Mozart's First Rcital (演奏)

It was a vry happy houshold (同住在一家的人). Thr was Lopold, a fin musician (音乐家) and music mastr in Austria. Thr was his adoring (敬慕的) wif. Thr was Mariann, a schoolgirl. And thr was littl Wolfgang, a child not quit four yars old.

Mariann was larning to play th piano, and day aftr day th handsom Lopold stood bhind hr as sh practisd. How vry patint and loving hr fathr was, and how clvrly h showd Mariann how to play som particularly difficult pic! Sh was making vry good progrss, and that was xcllnt.

And thr, almost lost in th big chair, sat Wolfgang, littl Wolfgang, who nvr had to b told to kp quit, whn Mariann was practising.

On vning at sundown (日落) Lopold pattd (轻拍) Mariann's shouldr saying sh had don rmarkably (非凡地) wll. At that momnt Wolfgang climbd on his fathr's Kn and bggd to b allowd to play th prtty pic Mariann had now mastrd (掌握).

What a jok that was! Picking up his baby son, Lopold laughd, tappd th tiny nos, and said, “Look at your small hands. Why, you cannot span (横跨) th nots (琴键) yt. You must wait, littl man. You must wait!”

Thr was no nd of fun during ta, and Mariann had to tll hr mothr about Wolfgang wanting to play on of th classics (古典作品).Whn th mal was finishd, Mariann hlpd clar away th dishs whil Lopold lit his pip (点燃烟斗).

But th pip wnt out. Lopold was on his ft. “Listn!”said h in awd tons (使人敬畏的声调).“Listn! Mariann is playing that pic bttr than vr!”

But Mariann was washing pots in th kitchn.

His wif following, Lopold crpt (蹑手蹑脚地走) upstairs, th lamp in on hand, his pip in th othr. H pushd opn th door, and thr was littl Wolfgang playing in th darknss. “I lov it so!”whisprd th child.

It was th bginning of Mozart's lif of music.

(H. L. G C adaptd)



1) th fathr

2) th daughtr and hr piano lssons

3) Mozart lovd to listn to th piano

4) Mozart's rqust

5) th rqust was turnd down (被拒绝)

6) th fathr hard th playing of th piano

7) th daughtr was not playing

8) th parnts' discovry

2.摘要 (summary)

Mozart's First Rcital

Wolfgang Mozart's fathr was a good musician and whn his daughtr was a schoolgirl, th fathr tool pains to tach hr to play classical pics on th piano. Wolfgang, not yt four yars old, lovd to listn to his sistr's practic. On day, h askd to b allowd to play th pic his sistr had bn practising. But th rqust was turnd down as a jok, for h was too young to b takn sriously. Aftr ta that vning,th fathr hard th pic bing playd upstairs, bttr mastrd than vr. H was commnting on th progrss mad by his daughtr whn h suddnly ralizd that at th momnt th girl was washing pots in th kitchn. H and his wif crpt upstairs and, to thir grat amazmnt, found it was littl Wolfgang who was playing th pic in th darknss.(142 words)




写摘要:莫扎特的首次演奏-Mozarts First Rcital (演奏)-Mozarts First Rcital

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