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Visiting the Great Wall on Badaling-游览八达岭长城
更新时间:2025-03-14 03:09:06

Visiting th Grat Wall on Badaling-游览八达岭长城 Visiting th Grat Wall on Badaling

Visiting the Great Wall on Badaling-游览八达岭长城

ThursdayMay29,2003 Sunny

It is fin today. I mad an appointmnt with my forign frind Ptr to visit th Grat Wall on Badaling.

W st out arly in th morning. W first took th subway and thn th bus. On raching th foot of th Grat Wall, Ptr was attractd by th landscap immdiatly."What a won dr!" h said rpatdly and pulld m onto th cabl car at onc. W got a viw of th bautiful scnry. Aftr a whil, w got to th Grat Wall. Ptr was vry xcitd. H touchd th bricks frquntly. I xplaind to him whn and how' w Chins built th wall. H listnd with grat intrst. Whn w ntrd a turrt, Ptr was mor curious. I told him what th turrt was and what it was built for. "It was rally an amazing achivmnt!" Ptr gaspd with admiration and took svral photos. Unconsciously, w found w had rachd th Stl of Brav Man, th symbol of th Grat Wall. A lot of visitors gathrd around it and took photos. I translatd th words on th stl for Ptr. "Only th on who can rach th Grat Wall is a brav man." "Rally?" Ptr askd jokingly. W both laughd.

It th tim to go back. W wr fascinatd by th scnry and rluctant to lav. W rally had a plasant tim.


2003年5月29日星期四 晴




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