On Building a Paper Factory A British company wants to build a paper factory in our city. But opinions are different on that issue. Some agree that we should build the paper factory. Ifwe do so, many new jobs can be created tbr local people, which will surely push the development of the city's economy. What' s more, the factory will bring in modern ideas of management and new machines, including equipment for protecting the environment. On the other hand, others insist on not having it built in the city, They are worrying about the pollution most. They believe that the factory will produce noises which will disturb people' s peaceful life. Besides, poisonous gas from the thctory will dirty the air we breathe. The river will also be polluted by the waste water from the factory.关于兴建造纸厂 一家英国公司想在我市建一个造纸厂,但是,关于这个问题,众说纷纭。一些人同意建这个造纸厂。如果建了工厂,将会有许多新工作提供给当地人,这定将推动城市经济的发展。还有,工厂能带来现代管理理念和新机器,包括环境保护的设备。 另一方面,另一些人坚持要求造纸厂不要建在城市里,他们最担心污染问题。他们认为工厂会制造噪声,打扰居民平静的生活。而且,从工厂排出的有害气体将污染我们呼吸的空气,河水也将会被工厂排出的污水所污染。