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更新时间:2024-12-02 05:12:11

夏令营A Summr Camp


This summr, I had som spcial days. I joind Dongzhou Intrnational ducational xchang Summr Camp.

First, I will tll you about our forign tachrs, thy ar Shrina and Rbcca. Thy ar frindly and bautiful. Thy ar studnts at Oxford Univrsity.

W talkd about many things: famous popl, subjcts in ngland, diffrnt jobs, our dal days, wstrn star signs, what can w say in a rstaurant and so on.

W know lots of things, lik what th diffrnc is btwn “chf” and “cook”, all th parts of th body…

W trid to writ a lttr to Principal Zhang. W mad a play and w drw our own comics and trid to sll it. W gav som othr studnts nglish lssons, w taught thm about Chins Dragon, Chins Martial Arts and th Olympics.

vry aftrnoon, w playd xciting gams: Chins Whisprs, Tongu Twistrs, Whlbarrow, gg and spoon, thr lgs…

On th last day, w had a good tim. W mad black ta. W put ta bags, som milk and lots of watr in to a big bowl, and thn w stirrd th ta until it bcam rd and dark. Oh, it tastd good! Latr, w usd ggs, flour and milk to mak many pancaks. To cook thm is vry intrsting. Whn w finishd it, th pancaks lookd round and nic. W put som jam on it. How dlicious! I won’t vr forgt it.

Th summr Camp is a rally good chanc for m. I know th local things in ngland. I larnd a lot and lik nglish mor. I also know bttr ways to larn nglish wll.

I hop on day I can s you in ngland.

标签: 终生 难忘
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