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比尔和他的朋友(Bill and His Friend
更新时间:2025-03-07 10:32:59

比尔和他的朋友(Bill and His FrindHow wondrful day! Th sun is shinning. Th birds ar singing. What a nic day! Bill is walking in th forst. Suddnly, h ss a dog.Th dog is lovly, but it looks vry tird. Mayb it's ill. Bill thinks. Is thr anyon? Bill shouts, Whos dog is it? No on answrs him. I must hlp th dog to find its ownr. Bill taks th dog to his hom. ?Th nxt day, Bill sticks som papr on th walls of th city. H writs on th papr: I found a dog, it's brown. It looks ill. If you ar its ownr, plas call m. My tlphon numbr is 56430768. Thanks!Aftr many days, Bill still can't find th dog's ownr. Bill maks a small hous for th dog, and fds bons to it vry day. Th dog is not oftn play togthr.Bill givs th dog a nam -- Littl Bill. Littl Bill jumps to Bill, and shouts, Woof! Woof! Bill smils. What a wondrful tim thy hav!

比尔和他的朋友(Bill and His Friend

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