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友谊信-A Letter of Friendship
更新时间:2025-02-28 02:05:01

A Lttr of Frindship-友谊信

友谊信-A Letter of Friendship

A Lttr of Frindship

6188 Mapl Strt

Dallas, Txas 75201

May 15, 2003

Dar Ruth,

Why don't you writ? Of cours, you'r busy with th clos of school so nar;but do tak tim to assur m that you Will b hr for my birthday. You hav a standing invitation to attnd all my birthday clbrations, and this is to warn you not to fail to attnd this on. Mothr says that you must stay at last two wksand Mothr must b obyd.

Don't forgt your tnnis rackt. Th court is bttr than vr this spring. Don and Td pronounc it "bttr than prfct'' bcaus thy hav don th prfcting, And by way of warning: Td slings a man rackt this yarso you'd bttr b in practic: H plays rings around m.

Plas writ immdiatly to tll m whn to park th family bus at th station. I must run now, or b lat to nglish class.

Your pal,



1122 Mapl Wood

Houstoti, Txas, 77002

May 22, 2003

Dar Btts,

It's a sham that businss has kpt m from answring your last lttr.Your not maks m fl guilty, and I paus in my mad rush to say -- hold vrything till that stramlinr pauss at your station at half past fiv nxt Saturday aftrnoon.Tll your mothr I may not "oby" in full, but that I'll mak hr glad to b rid of m.As for Td,say,I'm out of practicbut unafraid。

I'm fiv minuts lat — but I'll mak that committ mting.

Good-by tillSaturday.

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