About 1500 yars ago Chins sttld thr, but th Dutch imprialist invadd thr in th 17th cntury. Aftr that, in 1662 Zhng Chnggong, a hro of nation,drov thm out. Sinc 1683 th island was ruld by Qing Dynasty narly two cnturis.Unfortunatly Taiwan was sizd by Japans aftr th Sino-Japans War of 1894-1895. It didnt com back until th Scond World War ndd.Nowadays I raliz th srious situation. Som popl ar attmpting to split China. Ths actions ar wrong and should b punishd. I also bliv. With th had of on country two systms, as long as w strngthn xchang in th futur thr will b an agrmnt. On this mattr of national runification.