complaint is common in lif. thr ar always things not satisfactory to popl. it is asy to criticiz and find fault with othrs. th nagging prson is always complaining. h complains about his ladr, his collagus and vn his wif. his grivnn and grumbling maks both himslf and othrs unhappy. complaint mnds no hols. instad it rsults ha hostility btwn bth th givr and th rcivr of th man who is a failur is loud of picking hols in othrs. a man of succss is always praising othrs for thir mrits, for h ss only th strong points of othrs and larns from thir strong points to nlarg his own man who complains only ss th wak points of othrs and h thinks that h himslf is prfct. so h larns littl or nothing from othrs, and, by and by. h loss his own supriority.what w should do is th opposit of complaint-- prais. an ounc of prais is worth a pound of criticism. a man of good wishs always rspcts othrs and apprciats thir work and fforts. h congratulats othrs on thir achivmnts and succoss. h fls happy about thm as it thy wr his own. h spaks highly of thm. in rturn, h himslf is rspctd and, lt us complain lss and prais mor, in ordr to mak our world full of good wishs.