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更新时间:2025-03-21 06:35:12

Th Bijing Organizing Committ for th Gams of th XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) has rcntly rcivd th ISO14001 crtificat, maning that th nvironmntal managmnt systm (MS) st up by th BOCOG conforms to th ISO14001:1966 standards and rquirmnts.


Th crtificat issud by China's national nvironmntal authntication cntr on Octobr 13 covrs aras including BOCOG's offic work, th vnt rout planning, vnu planning, partnrs slcting, contractd hotls slcting, communication and nvironmntal managmnt.

Th BOCOG startd stablishing th MS following BOCOG prsidnt Liu Qi's approval in April 2004. Aftr xprts' xamination and appraisal of a trial practic of svral months, th BOCOG passd th crtification in Sptmbr this yar.

Th systm will b implmntd from now on to nsur BOCOG's scintific managmnt of th Olympiad's prparation and hosting.

As a thm of Bijing 2008 Olympic Gams, Grn Olympics mans to prpar it in accordanc with th principl of sustainabl dvlopmnt, which calls for th protction of nvironmnt, consrvation of rsourcs and maintnanc of cological balanc.

Th city's nvironmntal infrastructur will b nhancd and its cological surrounding improvd. Bijing will widly organiz nvironmntal communication and ducation activitis to rais public awarnss and lav rich nvironmntal lgacy to China and world sports.

BOCOG has compild an MS manual, assignd nvironmntal managmnt rprsntativs, clarifid rsponsibilitis for BOCOG's diffrnt dpartmnts, hld training courss, and confirmd som ky nvironmntal lmnts for all dpartmnts

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