少先队员(A Young Pionr)wang lin is a young pionr. it sms to m that h is a vry ordinary studnt. h is tall and thin. h is a boy of fw words. but w all know h is quit good at nglish and chins.last wk a woman cam to our school. sh cam to thank wang lin. th woman is li qiang's mothr. this is th story sh told us."a yar ago, my son, li qiang, was sriously ill. h was so ill that h couldn't go to school. whn wang lin larnd it from th nwspapr, h dcidd to do somthing to hlp my son.h kpt visiting my son and ncouragd him. h hlpd him with his lssons onc a wk. thy mad good frinds. with th hlp of wang lin, li qiang didn't fl lonly any mor. now liqiang has rcovrd. i am quit gratful to th boy for his kind hlp. "what a good young pionr h is!