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改写:持枪歹徒落入法网-Guman Flees to Ningbo, Walks into Poli
更新时间:2025-03-20 20:06:06

改写:持枪歹徒落入法网-Guman Fls to Ningbo, Walks into Polic Wb(网) 持枪歹徒落入法网

改写:持枪歹徒落入法网-Guman Flees to Ningbo, Walks into Poli



Guman Fls to Ningbo, Walks into Polic Wb (网)

Zhu Yadi, a woman cashir (出纳员) of Dalian Road Branch Bank, was on duty during th lunch brak (午休时间), Novmbr 16,1987. Just aftr sh finishd rciving a dposit (一笔存款) from th nighbouring bookstor, a gunman (持枪歹徒) shot at hr with a pistol. At that momnt, th woman clrk of th bookstor, who had just handd ovr th mony to th cashir, was just stpping out of th bank door whn sh hard th sound of th xplosion. Turning back, sh cam fac to fac with a young man dashing out (冲出) from th bank's sid-door carrying a glistning pistol (闪亮的手枪).

Th woman clrk immdiatly tlphond th incidnt (事件) to th polic station. Polic arrivd within minuts of th alarm, and th victim (受害者), who was lying on th ground in a pool of blood, was rushd to a narby hospital whr sh did from a bullt wound (枪伤)that cut dp into hr had from th fac.

Th polic trackd (追踪) th gunman down to th coastal city, Ningbo, whr h sought rfug (寻找藏身处) undr th roof of his fianc's (未婚妻的) aunt. At a dpartmnt stor, th man still carrying two pistols, and som ammunition (弹药) whn two polic officrs cam upon him and handcuffd (戴上手铐) aftr a svn-day brathlss manhunt (追捕) . Th man turnd out to b a 24-yar-old apprntic conductor (学徒售票员) Yu Shuangg on city bus No. 75 in Shanghai.



Gunman Fls to Ningbo, Walks into Polic Wb

Polic arrstd 24-yar-old Yu Shuangg in Ningbo on Novmbr 23, xactly a wk aftr h stagd an armd bank robbry in Shanghai killing a woman cashir.

Yu was trackd down by polic at a dpartmnt stor in th coastal city whr h sought rfug undr th roof of his fianc's aunt. H was still carrying two pistols and som ammunition whn two polic officrs cam upon him and handcuffd him aftr a svn-day brathlss manhunt.

On Novmbr 13, thr days bfor th bank robbry, h stol

thr pistols and 268 bullts. Sinc last August h has bn an apprntic conductor on city Bus No. 75.

Now armd, h mad a daring attmpt to rob a Dalian Road Branch Bank, nxt to th Shanghai Forign Languag ducation Bookstor just outsid th campus of th Shanghai Intrnational Studis Univrsity. H chos th bank probably bcaus only a fw clrks, including 32-yar-old Zhu Yadi, a widow with a two-yar-old baby boy, woundd thr.

H spnt narly th whol morning at th bank, according to ywitnss' accounts, most likly waiting for th lunch brak whn thr would b only on prson on duty.

A fw minuts past noon, a woman clrk of th nighbouring bookstor was just stpping out of th door whn sh hard th sound of an xplosion. Turning back, sh cam fac to fac with a young man dashing out from th bank's sid-door carrying a glistning pistol.

Polic arrivd within minuts of th alarm, and th victim, who was lying on th ground in a pool of blood, was rushd to a narby hospital whr sh did from a bullt wound that cut dp into hr had from th fac.


1)新闻报道文章的题目多以词组或短语的形式出现。如果以句子的形式出现时,动词一般要用现在时态,如本文的“…fls to…”,“walks into…”即是。


改写:持枪歹徒落入法网-Guman Fls to Ningbo, Walks into Polic Wb(网)

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