知识介绍:个人计算机的奇妙结构-Th Wondrful Structur of a Prsonal Computr 由英语作文网收集整理 个人计算机的奇妙结构
Th Wondrful Structur of a Prsonal Computr
In Chins, a computr is popularly known as an “lctrical brain”, for th working procss of a computr is similar to a human brain vry much.
In apparanc, a prsonal computr has thr simpl and clar parts: th main fram①, th kyboard② and th display③. In othr words, if you own ths thr parts, you would xactly hav a computr.
A computr systm is mad up of softwar and hardwar considring its working mannr. If w compar th hardwar to a human body, thn, th softwar would b th soul.
Just as a drivr cannot driv a car without driving skills or th car it slf, you cannot control a computr without controlling tchniqus or th computr itslf. Th controlling tchniqus ar calld softwar, whil computrs thmslvs and rlatd dvics④ such as a mous⑤ ar calld hardwar.
Th work of a computr is just making full us of various rsourcs by a softwar st in th computr, and dircting th hardwar to raliz marvlous omnipotnt⑥ functions.
①main fram 主机(箱)
③display 显示器
④rlatd dvics 相关部件
⑤mous 鼠标
⑥omnipotnt[&m'nip t nt]a.无所不能的
2)类比法是一种逻辑推理方法,人们在文章中经常用到。英语中表达类比的方式有多种,本文用到的有“b similar to”,“compar…to…”,“just as”等。但是,类比法有或然性,须慎用。
知识介绍:个人计算机的奇妙结构-Th Wondrful Structur of a Prsonal Computr 由英语作文网收集整理