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天空里的星星(The Stars in the Sky)
更新时间:2025-03-14 14:09:20

天空里的星星(Th Stars in th Sky)Mayb th stars man's th dram,I lov th stars in th blu sky,It's always bright and prtty,and always tak m to a bautiful dram.I rally lik to look at th littl stars,whn I look at thm,I fl vry rlax and happy.Th stars ar quit and just lik full of bautiful magic, It's amazy.  Just lik wondrs,th stars in th dapist blu sky is so prtty,"on , two, thr, four, fiv, six, svn&hllip;&hllip;"thr has so many so many stars in th sky,I rally can't count it.  Whn I was so lonly,I will look at th sky,and told th littl stars my littl scrts,told th littl stars my dram,and told thm so many so many   intrsting things,thn I will fl lss lonly.  I lik th stars in th sky,what about you?^_^~~

天空里的星星(The Stars in the Sky)

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