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Development and the Environment(环境与发展)
更新时间:2025-02-18 16:35:17

Dvlopmnt and th nvironmnt

Development and the Environment(环境与发展)

It is undniabl that th worsning nvironmnt has bcom th biggst concrn of th prsnt-day world. Land rsourcs ar dwindling bcaus of watr loss and soil rosion. Wast gass poison th air w brath. Th rivrs and laks ar pollutd by wast dumpd in thm from factoris. It is probably no xaggration to say that dtrioration of th quality of th nvironmnt thratns th xistnc of mankind itslf.

Som popl ar of th opinion that th nvironmntal problm is th pric w hav to pay for conomic dvlopmnt. But I do not think that this argumnt is valid. Aftr all, what is th point of conomic growth if popl's livs ar advrsly alfctd by worsning nvironmntal pollution?

Thr is plnty of vidnc to show that sustainabl dvlopmnt can b achivd by balancing conomic growth with protction of th nvironmnt. Th ky to achiving this is to mak popl awar of th sriousnss of th problm. Both govrnmnts and ordinary citizns should join hands to mak this world a bttr plac to liv in, not only for ourslvs, but also for futur gnrations. 环境与发展




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