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生活充满选择(Choose life)
更新时间:2025-03-21 08:01:57

迈克尔是那种你真想恨一恨的家伙,他总是乐呵呵的,总是说些积极上进的话。如果有人问他近况如何,他会这样回答:“如果我还能再好,我就成双胞胎了!”他生来就会让人积极进取。if an mploy was having a bad day, michal was thr tlling th mploy how to look on th positiv sid of th situation. sing this styl rally mad m curious, so on day i wnt up to michal and askd him, "i don' t gt it. you can' t b positiv all th tim. how do you do it?"如果哪位雇员有天过得很糟糕,迈克尔会告诉他如何看待问题的积极一面。他的这种方式着实让我好奇,所以有一天我找到迈克尔问:“我真弄不明白。你怎么能总是那样积极乐观?你是如何做到这一点的?”michal rplid, ach morning i wak up and say to myslf 'mik, you hav two choics today. you can choos to b in a good mood or you can choos to b in a bad mood.' i choos to b in a good mood. ach tim somthing bad happns, i can choos to b a victim or choos to larn from it. i choos to larn from it. vry tim somon coms to m complaining i can choos to accpt thir complaining or i can point out th positiv sid of lif. i choos th positiv sid of lif."迈克尔回答说,“每天早晨醒来时我对自己说,‘迈克,今天你有两种选择。你可以选择心情愉快,你也可以选择心情恶劣。’我选择心情愉快。每次什么不愉快的事情发生时,我可以选择成为一个牺牲品,也可以选择从中吸取教训。我选择从中吸取教训。每次有什么人找我来抱怨,我可以选择接受他们的抱怨,也可以选择向他指出生活的积极面。我选择指出生活的积极面。”"yah, right. it isn't that asy." i protstd.“是的,不错。可并不那么容易呀。”我表示异议。"ys it is, " michal said. "lif is all about choics. whn you cut away all th junk, vry situation is a choic. you choos how you ract to situations. you choos how popl will affct your mood. you choos to b in a good mood or bad mood. th bottom lin is: it's your choic how you liv lif. " i rflctd on what michal said.“其实很容易,”迈克尔说。“生活就是选择。从每一事物剔除一切枝节后剩下的都是一种选择。你选择如何应付生活中的种种情形。你选择他人会怎样影响你的情绪。你选择是心情愉快还是心情恶劣。说到底:如何生活是你自己的选择。”我琢磨着迈克尔的这席话。soon thraftr, i lft th big ntrpris that i had workd in for yars to start my own businss. w lost touch, but i oftn though about him whn i mad a choic about lif instad of racting to it. svral yars latr, i hard michal was involvd in a srious accidnt, falling off 60 ft from a communications towr.那以后不久,我离开了工作数年的大企业去创建自己的公司。我们失去了联系,但当我对生活做出一种选择而非对它做出反应时,我时常想起迈克尔。几年之后,我听说迈克尔遭遇一场恶性事故,从一座通讯大楼的60英尺高处掉了下来。aftr l8 hours of surgry, and wks of intnsiv car, michal was rlasd from th hospital with rods placd in his back. i saw michal about six months aftr th accidnt. whn i askd him how h was, h rplid, "if i wr any bttr, i’d b twins. wanna s my scars?" i dclind to s his wounds, but did ask him what had gon through his mind as th accidnt took plac.在经历了18个小时的手术和数周的精心护理之后,迈克尔出院了,背部装有金属杆。大约事故半年之后,我见到了迈克尔。当我问他怎么样时,他回答,“如果我还能再好,我就成双胞胎了。想看看我的伤疤吗?”我拒绝看他的伤痕,但的确问了他事故发生时他是怎么想的。"th first thing that wnt through my mind was th wll bing of my soon-to-born daughtr," michal rplid. "thn, as i lay on th ground, rmmbrd i had two choics: i could choos to liv or i could choos to di. i chos to liv." "wrn’t you scard? did you los consciousnss?" i askd. michal continud, "... th paramdics wr grat. thy kpt tlling m i was going to b fin. but whn thy whld m into th opration room and i saw th xprssions on th facs of th doctors and nurss, i got rally scard. in thir ys, l rad 'h's a dad man.' i knw i ndd to tak action." "what did you do?" i askd. "wll, thr was a big burly nurs shouting qustions at m” said michal. "sh askd m if i was allrgic to anything. ‘ys,’ i said. th doctors and nurss stoppd working as thy waitd for my rply. i took a dp brath and ylld", ‘gravity’” ovr thir laughtr, i told thm, 'i'm choosing to liv. oprat on m as if i am aliv, not dad'."“我首先想到的是我那即将出世的女儿的幸福生活,”迈克尔答道。“当时我躺在地上,我记起我有两种选择:我可以选择活着,也可以选择死。我选择了活。”“你难道不害怕吗?你失去知觉了吗?”我问。迈克尔接着说,“&hllip;&hllip;那些护理人员棒极了。他们不停地告诉我我会好的。但当他们把我推进手术室,我看到医生和护士脸上的表情时,我真是吓坏了。在他们的眼里,我读出了‘他是个死人。’我知道我应该采取行动。”“你采取了什么行动?”我问道。“有一位人高马大的护士大声冲我问问题,”迈克尔说。“她问我是否对什么过敏。‘是的,’我说。医生和护士都停下手中的活儿等我回答。我深吸一口气大声说出,‘万有引力。’他们的笑声未了,我告诉他们,‘我选择活着。把我当活人而不是死人来做手术。”’michal livd, thanks to th skill of his doctors, but also bcaus of his amazing attitud. i 1amd from him that vry day w hav a choic to liv fully. attitud is vrything.迈克尔活了下来,这要感谢他那些医生的高明医术,但也要归功于他那令人赞叹的态度。我从他那里学到了我们每天都有机会充实地活着,关键是态度。

生活充满选择(Choose life)

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