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英文-The Bermuda Triangle
更新时间:2025-02-28 01:56:49

Th Brmuda Triangl

英文-The Bermuda Triangle

张沛竹 北京市海淀区育英中学高二(八)班阅读书目:百慕大三角 Th Brmuda Triangl (DK英汉对照百科读物)

Aftr rading Th Brmuda Triangl, I bcam vry curious about th Brmuda Triangl ara. Why did th Flight 19 disappar? Why did clouds in th sky suddnly turn yllow?

From th book I knw that in th Brmuda Triangl ara, th compasss and othr instrumnts stop working. If it is tru, that will b trribl. W can’t work out which dirction w ar going to. Th main part of th Triangl lis btwn southrn Florida, Brmuda, and Purto Rico, but odd things also happnd in th Sargasso Sa and all th way south to Barbados.

Up till now, many strang things hav happnd in this ara. Thr ar four major typs of odd things that popl can not xplain. Th first is about th yllow cloud in th sky. Som pilots and ships’ captains rportd that thy saw a yllow fog in th Brmuda Triangl. Whn thy approachd th ara, th sky suddnly turnd yllow, th sa and th sky smd to join togthr. As a rsult, thy could not tll whr thy wr, or in what dirction thy wr hading.

Th scond odd thing is th missing of ships, plans and sailors. vr sinc old tims, rports hav bn accumulatd about missing sailing ships and sailors. In modrn tims, plans and pilots also got lost. Ovr 1,500 popl hav disappard in th Brmuda Triangl ara in th past 50 yars.

Th third strang thing is that in this ara compasss and othr instrumnts stop working. vn th satllit connction is gon.

Th last strang thing is that popl s strang lights and unidntifid ships in this ara. And mor UFOs ar rportd in this ara than in any othr parts of th world.

Many modrn rports about th Brmuda Triangl show that a strang yllow fog frquntly mrgs abov th sa. In 1966, a tug calld th Good Nws was going to Fort Laudrdal from Purto Rico. Sh was pulling a cargo barg bhind hr on th nd of a strong lin. Th Good Nws was a vry powrful ship. Howvr, whn sh got to th ar a of hr mid-voyag btwn Purto Rico and Port Laudrdal, th instrumnts on th ship suddnly wnt mad. Most of thm stoppd working. Th compass ran around and around crazily. Whn th sailors lookd out, thy found a yllow fog covring th barg. At th nd of th lin, th sa and sky smd to join togthr. Captain Hnry and his crw trid thir bst and finally th ship’s ngins wr turnd to full powr, and th cargo barg cam out th fog.

Aftr consulting many books, I found that th tal of yllow fog has bn of a currnt basis. Popl did not mntion that fog in th past. I prsonally prciv that th yllow fog is a natural phnomnon of modrn tims. Th sa ara btwn Purto Rico and Port Laudrdal has bn havily pollutd in th past svral dcads. Larg quantity of hydrochloric acid watr has bn thrown into th sa. Chmical analyss show that hydrochloric acid is on of th principal pollutants in th watr. Still mor data indicat that mangans nuclus has bn found among th minral dposits in th sabd of this ara. Bnath th surfac of th sawatr grows a rd plant calld sargassum. This plant can produc oxygn. Whn mangans joins th oxygn, thy bcom mangans dioxid (MnO2), which in turn intracts with th hhydrochloric acid containd in th watr. Whn th hating condition is satisfid, a yllow gas of chlorin will b gnratd. As th following formula shows:

Thus, th yllow fog around th cargo is most probably th chloric gas. As for th havinss flt by th tug, I think w nd to tak th nrvousnss of th sailors into considration. So my claim is that th strang yllow fog is not a wickd strangr of any kind, but a Franknstin of our own.

I am also curious about th xprinc of Catalina. Catalina is a flying boat. On Jun 11, 1986, sh was on hr way to Jacksonvill. Whn Martin Caidin and his frinds wr njoying thir flying, thy found that th clar sky was suddnly full of cloud. Soon thy wr trappd in th cloud and all th instrumnts on th plan stoppd working. Whn thy wr flying blindly, Cardin found a small hol in front of th cockpit. Th hol wnt down through th cloud all th way to th ocan. Thy soon discovrd that thy wr flying at th sam spd with th small hol, so thy graspd th chanc and flw within th sight of th small pic of blu sa. Aftr struggling for a coupl of hours, suddnly thy found thmslvs flying in a clar blu sky again. Thy wr saf and sound now.

In my opinion, th yllow cloud thy ncountrd and th small hol of blu sa must b a watrspout. Th Brmuda Triangl ara is also known for its unusual wathr. Suddn storms ar common and som wathr conditions can produc watrspout. As w know, most watrspouts hav a hol in th middl which is known as th “y of watrspout”. This “y” is in fact a small ara whr air in nclosd by th circling clouds moving in vry quick spd. If th objcts pulld up by th quick wind can manag to fly at th sam spd with this “y”, thy may fortunatly gt through th watrspout without bing dstroyd. Cardin and his frinds wr thos lucky ons who wr caught in th middl of th “y” and thir wll-quippd plan nabld thm to fly at th sam spd with it. Thanks to thir plan and thir good luck, thy survivd th watrspout and finally got to safty.

Th strang phnomna in th Brmuda Triangl ara tll us that human bings ar only on part of th natur. Through th long history of dvlopmnt, mn got to know mor and mor about th world w ar living in. Howvr, thr ar still mor natural phnomna w do not know. Whilst w try to ask th natur to giv us mor, w nd to pay clos attntion to what w hav don to th natur. And to know this world and th univrs our plant blongs to, w human bings still hav a long way to go.

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