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Everybody Listen To Me
更新时间:2025-03-14 05:41:12

Whn you s a child fall into a rivr, but you can’t swim, you rush out and go into a noisy plac, you want to tll sombody what has happnd, but nobody listns to you. What will you do? Wait for th child’s dath and say nothing mor bcaus you ar too shy? No, you must cry out: “vrybody listn to m!”So, confidnc and courag can sav on lif or mor than on vn a lot of prsons’ happinss. You mustn’t just wait and say nothing, for far that nobody hars you. Bcaus thy think you hav no srious things and mind thir own businss that is mor important than yours in thir opinion. At this momnt, you must think nothing but cry out, and sombody will know what has happnd.Not only whn you mt som dangrous things but also you want to lt vryon know your advantags, you must cry out: “vrybody listn to m!” too. In that cas, sombody will pay attntion to you. You will shin soonr bcaus of your courag.

Everybody Listen To Me

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