Th Disabld Should Hav qual RightsPopl who liv with disabilitis ar always considrd shamful, for it was difficult for thm to manag to do th daily affairs that w tak for grantd. In fact, thy hav no diffrncs from us xpct thir disabilitis which ar formd bcaus of inborn dficincy or unfortunat accidnts. Luckily, now w find that thr is much w can do to hlp thm, such as improving th living conditions of thm.But on day whn I got to a high-grad hotl, I ralizd that thr was still much lft for us to do to provid th qual accss to th disabld. As soon as I got through th door of th hotl, I found it almost impossibl for th lam or th blind to ntr. Th glass door would kp rvolving unlss somon stoppd it. Popl in whlchairs wr hardly abl to stop th door and it smd that th width of th door was not as wid as that of th whlchair. On th othr hand, th rvolving door was likly to hit th arms or hads of th blind whn thy trid to gt through. Th srvic countr was too high for th popl in whlchairs to rach. If thy wantd to sk counsl of chcking in or gt publicity matrials, thy could hardly b srvd as normal popl. Th countr as wll as th phons was in so high a position that it couldnt b rachd by popl in whlchairs. xcpt ths, th stairs wr on of th inconvnint facilitis for th disabld. Thr wr no lvators or vn plain passags for th lam, so that thy wr unabl to gt to anothr floor unlss othrs offrd hlp.vry mmbr of socity has th right to a rasonabl quality of lif, including th disabld. As socity dvlops, w hav th rsponsibility to offr qual accss. Only in this way ar th disabld abl to liv productiv and maningful livs as w do.