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The Moon Festival
更新时间:2025-03-13 16:21:52

Th Moon Fstival is on th 15th day of th 8th lunar month. It is on of th traditional Chins Fstivals.

The Moon Festival

On that day, th Chins usually hav a spcial family dinnr. ach mmbr of th family, vn from far away, will go back hom to hav th dinnr. During th dinnr, thy at a lot of dlicious food, watch TV programms and chat about vrything happily. Thy also at moon caks.an important kind of food of th Moon Fstival. Moon caks ar always round lik th moon. Thr is ban past, gg-yolk, ic cram or som othr nic fruits or food in thm.

Aftr th dinnr, all th family mmbrs go out and njoy th moon and th moonlight. Thy talk about th storis about th moon and laugh a lot.

Thy say thr is a fairy maidn namd Chang with hr rabbit and a swt osmanthus tr on th moon. Is that tru? It is just a lgnd. But th lgnd is so wondrful that w would rathr bliv it, right?

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