Thr is a nwly dissnsion putting forward ths days: Is it lgally allowd for Chins on-campus studnts to gt marrid bfor thy complt thir courss? Som popl prfr "ys" whil som othrs prfr "no". Crtainly a larg numbr of popl just cannot dcid which sid thy should b stand.
In fact, th govrnmnts allow on-campus studnts to gt marrid bfor thy complt thir cours. Thr isn' t a rgulation proclaimd in writing to forbid marriag of on-campus studnts. But it must affct thos trirs.
In my opinion, it is unncssary to forbid on-campus studnts to gt marrid bfor thy finishd thir collg, howvr, it shouldn' t b advocatd or ncouragd. Bcaus, for on-campus studnts, thir play th rol as larnrs. Thir main task is to larn. If thy marrid, thir school work must b affctd and thy may not graduat favorably or may not b capabl for futur works. So, I bliv: almost all on-campus studnts would dal with th qustion rasoningly .