Larnrs of nglish, spcially bginnrs hav troubls in undrstanding spchs by nativ spakrs. Bur how to improv listning ability? Hr Id lik to introduc you som ways which might hlp you to improv you listning ability.
First of all, do things stp by stp. It is no good to listn to anything byond your lvl . Dont choos too difficult matrials .
Scondly, stick to on cours of study . Work hard at it until you mastr it wll .
Thirdly, listn to th nglish nws program ovr th radio vry day. If you hav mor tim, listn to som intrsting storis, too.
Thr ar many ways to improv your listning ability . It is up to you to find out bst ons for you.