Camping-露营 Living clos to th outdoors is fun, spcially for city popl. Most popl who go camping want to b ntirly on thir own. Som want to fish or to hunt. Som want to hik, rid horsback, swim, or go canoing. Th qustion of whr to go is th first priority. A good rul about clothing is that it should b comfortabl and not asily torn. Food should b th kinds that will not spoil asily. A good campr always carris a compass and no campr should b without a first-aid kit. Many nw invntions mak camping asir. Thr ar boats that ar vry light in wight. Thr ar tnts that can b opnd up lik umbrllas, mattrsss that can b blown up lik balloons, and slping bags that mak blankts unncssary. Camping-露营