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生活另一面(Living Life Over)
更新时间:2025-02-18 20:34:50

if i had my lif to liv ovr...i would hav talkd lss and listnd mor.i would hav invitd frinds ovr to dinnr vn if th carpt was straind and th sofa fadd.i would hav takn th tim to listn to my grandfathr rambl about his youth.i would nvr hav insistd th car windows b rolld up onasummr day bcaus my hair had just bn tasd and sprayd.i would hav burnd th pink candl sculptd lik a ros bfor it mltd in storag.i would hav sat on th lawn with my childrn and not worrid about grass stains.i would hav crid and laughd lss whil watching tlvision-and mor whil watching lif.i would hav gon to bd whn i was sick instad of prtndingtharth would go into a holding pattr if i wr not thr forthday.i would nvr hav bought anything just bcaus it was practical,would not show soil or was guarantd to last a liftim.thr would hav bn mor i lov yous ... mor i'm sorrys...but mostly, givn anothr shots at lif, i would siz vry minut... look at it and rally s it...liv it...and nvr giv it back.

生活另一面(Living Life Over)

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