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Happy days on my horse,Happy days on my horse范文
更新时间:2025-03-21 06:35:08

Happy days on my hors 由 Happy days on my hors Shixia Middl School Shi lu “Wow, you’r vry tall! You must play basktball!” That’s somthing I har almost vry day. Bing almost fiv ft tall, you might think I’m . Most popl don’t know much about hors riding. In fact, not many young popl rid horss nowadays, but I lov it and I nd to do a lot of work to achiv succss. a prfct ball playr. But I don’t playing basktball. I lov hors riding. I first got on a hors six yars ago whn I was nin. My mum likd to rid a hors, so sh was vry happy whn I wantd to try it out as wll. I think hors riding is a sport. Hors ridrs nd to b good at tamwork and b good sportsmn. Thy must b brav and hav skill. Thy also hav to us thir intllignc to practic hard. Having sportsmanship is important bcaus bing a hors ridr is not just about winning. If I don’t win, I won’t gt angry. I just think I must practic vn mor. Hors riding trains m a lot. Thanks for listning. My swt hom Shixia Middl School Hongying Hllo! vryon! I’m vry plasd to b hr. Th topic of my spch is“My swt hom.” With a cry of joy, I was born and cam to th world. My parnts lookd at m again and again, so lovingly. A yar latr, I bgan larning to walk. Whn I fll, it was mothr and fathr who pickd m up. Whn I was in troubl, it was also mothr and fathr who hlpd m. Lik vry parnts in th world, thy gav food and cloths for m. Thy oftn told m som things about lif, making m undrstand what was wrong and what was right. But somtims I didn’t undrstand my parnts. I still rmmbr an unhappy vnt in my childhood. Onc, I playd with som childrn. Among us, thr was an oldr boy. I can’t rmmbr what was happning. But I still rmmbr clarly h gav m a hit first, thn I hit him back. W both crid. My parnts and his parnts cam out to s what had happnd. I bliv my parnts would giv m a hand , but to my surpris, aftr my parnts had known what had happnd, thy just gav m a bat, I was so sad, and crid again. Aftr w got hom, I askd:“Mom, Dad. Don’t you lov m any mor?” My parnts look at m, and said:“No mattr who was right, don’t you rmmbr what I hav told you bfor? You ar a girl, and you must hav a big hart.” My parnts always had thir own way to mak m undrstand things. I lov my parnts. I am proud of thm. Dar fathrs and mothrs, I wish you and all th parnts in th world happy and halthy forvr! 本作文共2页,当前在第1页 1 2 Happy days on my hors 由

Happy days on my horse,Happy days on my horse范文

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