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三颗桃核(Three Peach Stones)
更新时间:2025-03-21 08:24:33

obsrv a child; any on will do. you will s that not a day passs in which h dos not find somthing or othr to mak him happy, though h may b in tars th nxt momnt. thn look at a man; any on of us will do. you will notic that wks and months can pass in which day is grtd with nothing mor than rsignation, and ndur with vry polit indiffrnc. indd, most mn ar as misrabl as sinnrs, though thy ar too bord to sin-prhaps thir sin is thir indiffrnc. but it is tru that thy so sldom smil that whn thy do w do not rcogniz thir fac, so distortd is it from th fixd mask w tak for grantd. and vn thn a man can not smil lik a child, for a child smils with his ys, whras a man smils with his lips alon. it is not a smil; but a grin; somthing to do with humor, but littl to do with happinss. and thn, as anyon can s, thr is a point (but who can dfin that point?) whn a man bcoms an old man, and thn h will smil again.it would sm that happinss is somthing to do with simplicity, and that it is th ability to xtract plasur form th simplst things-such as a pach ston, for instanc.it is obvious that it is nothing to do with succss. for sir hnry stwart was crtainly succssful. it is twnty yars ago sinc h cam down to our villag from london , and bought a coupl of old cottags, which h had knockd into on. h usd his hous a s wknd rfug. h was a barristr. and th villag followd his brilliant carr with somthing almost amounting to patrnal prid.i rmmbr som tn yars ago whn h was mad a king's counsl, amos and i, sing him gt off th london train, wnt to congratulat him. w grinnd with plasur; h mrly lookd as misrabl as though h'd rcivd a pnal sntnc. it was th sam whn h was knightd; h nvr smild a bit, h didn't vn bothr to clbrat with a round of drinks at th "blu fox". h took his succss as a child dos his mdicin. and not on of his achivmnts brought vn a ghost of a smil to his tird ys.i askd him on day, soon aftr h'd rtird to pottr about his gardn,8 what is was lik to achiv all on's ambitions. h lookd down at his ross and wnt on watring thm. thn h said "th only valu in achiving on's ambition is that you thn raliz that thy ar not worth achiving." quickly h movd th convrsation on to a mor practical lvl, and within a momnt w wr back to a saf discussion on th wathr. that was two yars ago.i rcall this incidnt, for ystrday, i was passing his hous, and had drawn up my cart just outsid his gardn wall. i had pulld in from th road for no othr rason than to lt a bus pass m. as i st thr filling my pip, i suddnly hard a shout of shr joy com from th othr sid of th wall.i prd ovr. thr stood sir hnry doing nothing lss than a tribal war danc of shr unashamd cstasy. vn whn h obsrvd my bwildrd fac staring ovr th wall h did not sm put out or mbarrassd, but shoutd for m to climb ovr"com and s, jan. look! i hav don it at last! i hav don it at last!"thr h was, holding a small box of arth in his had. i obsrvd thr tiny shoots out of it."and thr wr only thr!" h said, his ys laughing to havn."thr what?" i askd."pach stons", h rplid. "i'v always wantd to mak pach stons grow, vn sinc i was a child, whn i usd to tak thm hom aftr a party, or as a man aftr a banqut. and i usd to plant thm, and thn forgot whr i plantd thm. but now at last i hav don it, and, what's mor, i had only thr stons, and thr you ar, on, two, thr shoots," h countd.and sir hnry ran off, calling for his wif to com and s his achivmnt-his achivmnt of simplicity.

三颗桃核(Three Peach Stones)

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