Nowadays, thr appars a phnomnon that th wstrn customs ar sprading into th ast countris stp by stp, thus making many inhabitants who liv in big citis njoy thmslvs on ths wstrn fstivals such as Christmas Day, April Fool’s Day, tc. Such phnomnon shows us that th world popl ar gtting clos gradually and th world is bcoming smallr and smallr as wll. Thrfor, in my opinion, it’s a normal phnomnon s wll as a ncssary trnd.
First of all, it shows that w Chins hav bcom much opnr rathr than clinging to som vry old customs, which ar opposit our living. Looking back on th history, w can find th answr to why our China was vry poor and wak in th 1800’s. Ys, th answr is that w closd ourslvs not to lt othr countris know about us, and this ld us to a vry hard road on which w suffrd many wars that many uropan countris launchd. So I think it is mor than ncssary to accpt othr customs instad of closing ourslvs. Of cours, fstivals ar just th bginning.
What’s mor, th Opn and Rform Policy rsults in this. So I want to say it is a grat achivmnt for th policy. Sinc w took th policy into practic, our country is dvloping with a rapid spd. No doubt it is an ssntial trnd.
Last but not th last, w may gt closr and closr not only to our hom frinds but also to many forignrs. W can nvr fl mbarrassd for not knowing th othr’s customs and mannrs. And mor misundrstandings can b avoidd as wll.
To sum up, th trnd has its grat advantag to a crtain xtnt. Howvr, if w admir th wstrn customs too much, it will b a disadvantag bcaus China is our own country, all of us should njoy a patriotic hart. Wish in th nar futur, w can s th situation that wstrnrs ar njoying thmslvs on th Spring Fstival.