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Be an Optimist
更新时间:2025-03-14 05:41:10

Do you s th glass as half-full rathr than hall mpty? Th two diffrnt answrs to th qustion rprsnt two diffrnt attituds towards lif -- optimistic attitud and pssimistic attitud. Optimism always lads to happinss, halth and succss whil pssimism, by contrast, rsults in hoplssnss, sicknss and failur. Thats bcaus optimists and pssimists dal with th sam challngs and disappointmnts in vry diffrnt ways. Whn things go wong th pssimist tnds to blam himsll, whil th optimist looks for loop hols. Th optimist fls in control of his oval lif. If things ar going badly, h acts quickly, looking for solutions, forming a nw plan of action, and sking for advic. On th contrary(大家在表达相反的观点是可以多多使用哦), th pssimist yilds to th arrangmnt of fat and movs slowly. H dosnt sk advic, sinc h assums nothing can b don. Most popl ar a mix of optimism and pssimism. Optimism is important in all aspcts of our livs. If you can chang your mind from pssimism to optimism, you can chang your lif.

Be an Optimist

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