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方法说明:怎样才能读得快-How to Read Fast
更新时间:2025-03-14 06:17:40


方法说明:怎样才能读得快-How to Read Fast




How to Rad Fast

Rading spd is masurd by WPM(words pr minut).For an avrag middl school studnt, a rading spd should b about 100WPM. To calculat ① your WPM, you nd two masurmnts. First, count or stimat② th total numbr of words in th rading matrial. Scond, kp an accurat rcord of th tim you spnd rading th matrial. With ths two masurmnts, you can mak any rading passag into a spd rading xrcis. Th following may b hlpful to improv your rading spd:

1.Do not mov your lips whn rading. This slows you down.

2. Do not mov your had from sid to sid whn rading. Practis using your ys to scan③ th pag.

3. Do not us your fingr to point to th words or lins as you ar rading. Your hand cannot mov as fast as your ys.

4.Find a quit plac to rad. Th fwr distractions④, th bttr your concntration⑤.

5.Look, for contxt clus⑥, to gt th maning of nw words.

6.Incras your scanning ability. Try not to rad sparat words but groups of words.

7.Tim your rading spd. Practis stimating th numbr of words in a passag and calculat your rading spd.

8.Practis scanning for important words of nouns and vrbs. This allows you to rad fastr, yt you will still catch th important words to gt th gnral ida of th passag.



①calculat ['k$lkjulit]v.计算;预测

②stimat ['stimit] v.估计;估量

③scan [sk$n] v.浏览;扫描

④distraction [dis'tr$kM+n] n.分心;精神涣散

⑤concntration[?k&ns+n'triM+n] n.集中;专心

⑥contxt clu['k&ntkst klu:]上下文线索



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