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High School Students and Hair Style-高中生和发型,High School
更新时间:2025-03-26 05:21:43

High School Studnts and Hair Styl-高中生和发型 第一篇: Th hair styl of high school studnts has bn a controvrsial issu for many yars. Th prscribd plain short hair may look tidy, but th insistnc on th hair lngth blow th ar lob in th cas of girl studnts, which is fixd at on cntimtr or at most two, is quit unncssary. Until rcntly, th Mayor of Tainan had trid to prsuad th Ministry of ducation to giv th high schoolrs th cart blanch to dtrmin thir own hair styls. It is difficult for us to say if th ida is right or wrong. So far as I am concrnd, problms of th young ar not confind to such a small mattr as hair styl; what mattrs is th rinforcmnt of th studnts' moral consciousnss, th way thy should bhav, and th lik. Th lngth of thir hair or whthr thy hav th right to giv it a prmannt wav is rlativly unimportant. Clannss and natnss is what rally mattrs. Thr is hardly anything that stays unchangd all th tim. Why dosn't th concrnd authority rconsidr this hair businss? Mayb th bickrings that sour th rlations btwn th military instructors and thir studnts will thrfor b gon. By th way, to improv on's apparanc is nothing wrong, is it? W all xpct to s a nw look of th young. Mayb a chang in th concrnd authority's policy toward th high schoolrs' hair styl will bring this about. 第二篇: In my opinion th problm of th high schoolrs' hair styl has bn ovrmphasizd. So far as I know, this problm has bn xisting for quit a long tim and possibly in our country alon. High school studnts ar supposd to study hard, but it sms that fw car what thy rally want. I just graduatd from high school this yar. Whil in high school I didn't car much about my hair styl, but whnvr th school chckd to s if w had had our hair cut I always flt a littl annoyd. If anyon forgot to hav his hair cut to th rquird standard, h was sur to b rprimandd or vn punishd. I hop our high school can show a gratr intrst in hlping studnts cultivat thir minds than in picking hols in thir hair. Onc in a whil our socity sms to b intrstd in this problm too, but it is a pity that th studnts' own viw in this mattr is rarly consultd. That is why studnts oftn quarrl with thir tachrs, and this mutual misundrstanding is oftn dtrimntal to th studnts thmslvs. Most high school studnts do not rally car what thir hair styl is; what thy bf about is prhaps th constant chck on thir hair lngth. Why dosn't th Ministry of ducation rlas high school studnts from this particular prssur? No wondr mor and mor youngstrs in school ar inclind to commit offnss. It is tim to try and kp our ducational hous in ordr. 第三篇: It is surprising that high school studnts' hair styl should bcom a controvrsial subjcts. As a mattr of fact, this is not a srious problm, bcaus in my opinion high school studnts should not in th first plac spnd too much tim on hair car. Tim is mony. Th most important thing for high school studnts to kp in mind is to do wll in school and b wll prpard for th collg ntranc xaminations. Sinc th admission rat of collg aspirants is low, high school studnts should mak mor of an ffort to prpar for it. Furthrmor, th priod of rstrictd hair lngth is only from junior to snior high school; if th junior high school studnts find nothing wrong with thir hair styl, why should th snior high school studnts tak xcption to it? So my conclusion is this: though it is right for th concrnd authoritis to rlax th rstrictions imposd on high schoolrs' hair styl in a rasonabl way, th studnts thmslvs should also raliz that thir hair styl is nothing important, that whn thy ar graduatd such rstrictions on thir hair will automatically bcom null and void. Although I am a collg studnt now, my mmory of my high school days is still frsh. As a high school studnt I did not car about my hair styl; on th contrary, I was thankful to th uniform hair styl bcaus I could thus sav much tim as wll as mony in paying lss attntion to my hair. In a word, thr is rally no nd to bothr about on's hair, spcially if you ar just a studnt. If on's hair is compard to a tr and on's priod of ducation to a rivr, thn w can s that th tr will kp growing nw lavs whil th rivr, if it vr flows, will nvr flow back. Youth is itslf a kind of bauty, an asst, so I don't think a studnt's hair will in any way dtract from this bauty. 第四篇: Th hair styl of high school studnts was onc an intrsting subjct in th nwspapr. Almost all th ducators, top-ranking govrnmnt officials and tachrs said that w high school studnts should not pick on th prscribd hair styl of ours. According to thm, th sol duty of a studnt's was to study and study and th innr part of th had was mor important than th hair that covrs th scalp. Dspit what thy said, I still don't lik hair styl imposd on us high school studnts. I isn't bautiful and it is unnatural. It looks lik som dry dark grass on a boy studnt's had and a vry small black hat on a girl studnt's. I am tird of having my hair cut vry four wks, yt I am obligd to do that bcaus th military instructor so frquntly inspcts th hair styl of vry studnt. To m hair styl is strictly a prsonal mattr. I lik to hav my hair a littl longr and b spard th troubl of having it cut vry so oftn. W studnts labor undr so many ruls in school and w ar taught to oby all of thm. I think a uniform plain hair styl is not ncssary at all. Why can't w do as w lik? W ar agr to s th tim whn w ar fr to choos our own hair styls in our post-high school days. 第五篇: Closly following my graduation from junior high school in 1975 I ntrd a collg to major in Chmical nginring. Thus I hav had no xprinc whatvr as a snior high school studnt. I do not rally know how th avrag high-schoolrs ract to this "hair problm," so th point of viw I offr hr is strictly prsonal. Th main rason why th authoritis want to impos a prscribd hair styl on th high-schoolrs is that this would prvnt thm from bing contaminatd by bad social influncs. But I can cit an xampl to show that th lngth or th styl of on's hair has no balful ffct at all on a studnt's bhavior. From th day thy ntr th school th studnts of th collg ar prfctly fr to choos thir own hair styls, yt nobody says th studnts hr ar spoild by such frdom. Is this nough to justify th dmand that high-schoolrs b libratd from a prscribd hair styl? 第六篇: In accordanc with a rgulation a high school studnt hr in Taiwan must hav his or hr hair cut short. Top-ranking officials in charg of ducation may hav many rasons to justify this rgulation, but th fact is that almost vry studnt rgards it with distast. W go to school, not only to gain knowldg but also to larn how to tll right from wrong and acquir indpndnt thinking. This is rally what th ducators or ducational officials should b concrnd about, crtainly not th hair of th studnt. My prsonal xprinc tlls m that th rul govrning th studnt's hair styl is simply th caus of ndlss troubls btwn studnts and tachrs. Why don't thy giv th studnts th right to mak thir own dcisions in this mattr? If school officials insist on nforcing a hair styl, it will only mak th studnts mor strangd from thir tachrs. W hop vry boy or girl is a good studnt, but to pin this hop on a studnt's clos-croppd hair is crtainly naiv, if not absurd. 第七篇: Th hair styl of high school studnt has long bn a controvrsial issu. Authoritis concrnd insistd that th fixd hair styl could mak high school studnts look frsh and tidy. I myslf was a high school studnt. I nvr thought this hair styl had don m any good. Whn I was a high school studnt, my classmats oftn got into troubl with our military instructor, and it was not infrqunt that thy would b awardd a dmrit simply bcaus thir hair was a littl longr than th prscribd lngth. What is important, I should lik to point out, is th mind undr th hair, not th hair on th had. Th authoritis nd not b afraid of th consquncs of a cancllation of th hair rgulation. I bliv th law and ordr of our socity dos not dpnd on th lngth of on's hair, spcially on that of th high school studnts'. For many yars w hav trid to solv th problm of juvnil dlinquncy. All w nd to do in this rspct is to ncourag thm to giv mor attntion to thir ducation and allow thm mor lway in thir activitis. To prscrib a hair styl for th young is crtainly th last admirabl mans to achiv this nd. 第八篇: I think it is all right for a high school studnt to war a clan and plain hair, but it is not ncssary to forc him to hav his hair cut vry vry short. Such kind of short hair is simply not a "styl" at all. Som studnts oftn quarrl with thir tachrs and military instructors ovr th hair issu and thr ar vn "battls" wagd by th studnts to protct thir hair. Th lov of bauty, w must admit, is human natur, and so is th car of on's hair. In fact, not at all is th vry vry short hair bautiful to look at. What thn is th kind of hair styl fit for a high school studnt? In my opinion, a clan, simpl, nic-looking, and modratly long hair will cut th mustard. Actually I am vry much in favor of high school studnts waring thir hair modratly long, for such a hair styl will not only protct th had from xposur to svr cold of svr hat but will also mak th warr mor nic-looking. Allowing th studnts to war thir hair this way will also hlp to put an nd to many of th squabbls btwn thm and thir tachrs or military instructors. Th most important thing today for a high school studnt is, howvr, study; all othr things ar rlativly unimportant. So w should not bothr ourslvs too much with this qustion. Aftr all, bauty is but skin dp. High School Studnts and Hair Styl-高中生和发型

High School Students and Hair Style-高中生和发型,High School

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