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每一天都是幸运的(Every Day is a Lucky)
更新时间:2025-03-14 14:37:49

i tach conomics at unlv thr tims pr wk. last monday, at th bginning of class, i chrfully askd my studnts how thir wknd had bn. on young man said that his wknd had not bn so good. h had his wisdom tth rmovd. th young man thn procdd to ask m why i always smd to b so chrful.his qustion rmindd m of somthing i'd rad somwhr bfor: "vry morning whn you gt up, you hav a choic about how you want to approach lif that day," i said. "i choos to b chrful.""lt m giv you an xampl," i continud, addrssing all sixty studnts in th class. "in addition to taching hr at unlv, i also tach out at th community collg in hndrson, 17 mils down th frway from whr i liv. on day a fw wks ago i drov thos 17 mils to hndrson. i xitd th frway and turnd onto collg driv. i only had to driv anothr quartr mil down th road to th collg. but just thn my car did. i trid to start it again, but th ngin wouldn't turn ovr. so i put my flashrs on, grabbd my books, and marchd down th road to th collg.""as soon as i got thr i calld aaa and arrangd for a tow truck to mt m at my car aftr class. th scrtary in th provost's offic askd m what has happnd. 'this is my lucky day,' i rplid, smiling."" 'your car braks down and today is your lucky day?' sh was puzzld. 'what do you man?'"" 'i liv 17 mils from hr.' i rplid. 'my car could hav brokn down anywhr along th frway. it didn't. instad, it brok down in th prfct plac: off th frway, within walking distanc of hr. i'm still abl to tach my class, and i'v bn abl to arrang for th tow truck to mt m aftr class. if my car was mant to brak down today, it couldn't hav bn arrangd in a mor convnint fashion.'""th scrtary's ys opnd wid, and thn sh smild. i smild back and hadd for class." so ndd my story.i scannd th sixty facs in my conomics class at unlv. dspit th arly hour, no on smd to b aslp. somhow, my story had touchd thm. or mayb it wasn't th story at all. in fact, it had all startd with a studnt's obsrvation that i was chrful.

每一天都是幸运的(Every Day is a Lucky)

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