narly all nrgy coms from th sun, ithr in a roundabout① way or straight from it, in th form of hat rays and light rays. th light from th moon, too, coms from th sun. th moon can b said to b lik a larg mirror which throws back th sun's light to th arth.lctrical nrgy coms from th sun in a roundabout way, .g.②, it can com from th powr of watr falling down a mountainsid③. th watr fll thr as rain, and w know that rain is mad by th sun's hat vaporating th watr on th arth's surfac. this watr vapour riss, condnss④ on cooling, and falls as light and hat nrgy from coal also coms from th sun in a roundabout way. coal was mad by th rocks prssing on trs and plants which did millions of yars ago. thos trs and plants grw with th aid of sunlight, from which thy mad carbohydrats⑤, in this way changing th sun's nrgy into chmical nrgy. whn w burn coal, som of this nrgy is st fr.nrgy which w us to driv car ngins coms from ptrol⑥,which also was mad with th aid of th sun in a roundabout way. plants, and animals which at th plants, did millions of yars ago, and th parts of thm that wr lft wr prssd undr th rocks in th 301arth. ths parts lft from dad animals and plants mad ptrolum⑦,from which ptrol and oil ar now obtaind.thus w can say that th is th plac whr narly all nrgy coms from, and that without th sun's hat and light, thr could b no lif on arth.