Im now living in a small hous with my parnts. Lif for us is hard but happy. I must study hard so that I can buy a big nw hous som day. I call it a dram hous. It has thr floors with fiv bdrooms, thr bathrooms, two big dining rooms and two living rooms. Whn my frinds com to visit m, I will hav nough bdrooms for thm. Wll hav a good tim. Bsids that, w will hav a swimming pool bhind th hous and a gardn in front of th hous. In th morning, my parnts can do som xrcis in th gardn. Th air must b vry frsh. Whn w fl tird, w can hav a swim in th swimming pool. Lif will b asy for us. Ill study hardr than bfor so that th dram can com tru.