Today's socity is a highly dvlopd tchnological socity. Howvr, th shortcomings in th dvlopmnt procss ar obvious, such as: carbon dioxid, and nvironmntal pollution. But th most srious should b th carbon dioxid problm. Now th problm of global warming bcaus of xcss missions of grnhous gass. xcssiv amount of carbon dioxid missions, crating a divrsifid conomy and La Nina phnomna lag disordr. Two lvls of glacirs mlting, polar animals los thir chanc of survival at th sam tim, will lad to rising sa lvls, many coastal citis into th watr did not rsult in a fw yars latr. Thrfor, w must tak th ncssary masurs to rduc th nvironmntal impact of carbon dioxid. For xampl: tr-planting activitis, rduc fossil ful us, w can from our own, to promot low-carbon living.