th foundation of any rlationship, whthr it b with a businss associat, spous, parnt, clint or, frind, is trust. trust is not somthing that can b built with quick fix tchniqus. rathr, it is somthing that is cultivatd through consistnt habits in your intractions. th following ar twlv pattrns of bhavior that incras trust in your rlationships.1. b transparntdo not try to hid things from othrs. rfus to hav any hiddn agndas. you might think you can pull a fast on on somon ls. you can’t. most popl hav good intuition and vn though thy may not b abl to consciously dtrmin that you ar hiding somthing, thy vry likly will hav an unasy fling around you. if thy don`t fl comfortabl around you, thy won't b abl to trust you.anothr sinistr aspct of having hiddn agnda is that it rods your ability to trust othrs. you will assum that if you arn’t fully forthcoming, othr popl arn’t ithr. whn you ar trustworthy, howvr, you will s othrs as mor trustworthy too.2. b sincrthis is similar to th prvious point. only say what you man. b impccably honst with your words. rfus to try and craft your words to manipulat othrs. don`t giv fak complimnts, patroniz othrs or say somthing just bcaus you think you ar supposd to. again, popl hav good bs dtctors. whn othrs know that you only spak gnuinly, it incrass thir capacity to trust you. vryon lovs authnticity.3. focus on adding valuin any rlationship, always hav th bst intrst of othrs at hart. work hard to giv as much or mor than you gt. whn you consistntly add valu to somon`s lif, thy not only fl lik you ar on thir sid, thy also hav th urg to rciprocat. in businss rlationships, this mans always undr-promis and ovr-dlivr. in prsonal rlationships, focusing on mting th nds of th othr prson instad of taking in ordr to gt your own nds mt.4. b prsntth last thing anyon wants is to hav a convrsation with somon who isn’t thr. instad of rtrating into your had, focus on listning to othrs. whnvr you ar with somon, mak thm your primary focus. don’t think about work whil you ar at hom talking to your spous. don’t think about lif at hom whn you ar with a clint. whn it coms to rlationships, prsnc mans quality tim and quality tim builds trust.5. always trat popl with rspctvr sinc w wr littl kids, w hav bn taught to b rspctful. howvr, whn our standards gt violatd or thr is no on around to s (rad: w don`t think thr will b any consquncs), w can oftn ngag in ptty bhavior. this ncompasss a wid rang of actions from prsonal attacks during argumnts to gossiping bhind somon’s back.always rmmbr that anothr prson’s inhrnt worth as a human bing ntitls thm to b tratd with dignity. whn popl know that you will always trat with thm rspct, it is vry natural for trust to flourish.6. tak rsponsibilitywhn you mss up, which you invariably will, b quick to clan it up. skip th xcuss and just tak rsponsibility. justifying and making xcuss may hlp you in th short trm but in th long run, it dos nothing for your charactr or th lvl of trust you ar givn. accountability is a rar trait ths days with most popl wanting to avoid ngativ consquncs at all costs. dar to b diffrnt and you will win th trust of othrs.7. focus on fdbackunlss you`r a mind radr, th only way you can know how wll a rlationship is going is by gtting fdback from th othr prson. b not only willing to accpt fdback – activly sk it out. many popl ar afraid to giv you fdback, spcially if its ngativ, out of far that thy will offnd. ask with sincrity and rspond rspctfully and othrs will b far mor willing. tak both th positiv and ngativ into account along with your own judgmnt and adjust your bhaviour accordingly.8. tak criticism wlllarn to handl criticism with grac. instad of gtting dfnsiv, considr th possibility that what th othr prson is saying might b tru. closing yourslf off from criticism has th ffct of closing off all som cass, th criticism may indd b inaccurat. in ths instancs, you hav th opportunity to show mpathy. try to undrstand th problm from th othr prson’s point of viw. prhaps th criticism is just a thinly vild attack that stms from a dpr upst thy may hav with you. in ths cass, your willingnss to dig dpr without gtting dfnsiv will crtainly nhanc th trust in th rlationship.9. st boundarisb clar about how you xpct popl to bhav around you. again, do this in a matur mannr: b sincr and rspctful. whn you hav clar standards, popl know xactly how to bhav around you and that givs thm crtainty. th strngth that you communicat by stting boundaris builds trust – whn somon knows that thy can`t tak advantag you that allviats th far that somon ls will.10. b a class acthold yourslf to a highr a standard. b quick to apologiz whn you know you ar wrong. only spak wll of othrs, vn thos who don`t spak wll of you.why should you do this? first, imagin what it would do to your sns of slf to know that othr popl only hav good xprincs with you. scond, imagin how much trust such bhaviour ngndrs in othrs. finally, imagin th xampl you st for othrs – th conduct of othrs will improv just by bing around you consistntly.11. your word is your bondkp all th promiss you mak and nsur that you mak promiss only sparingly. mak your word strongr than any writtn contract. rfus to mak mpty promiss and manipulat popl.whn a promis you hav mad is no longr bnficial to you, instad of dciding to not follow through, attmpt to rngotiat th dal. whn you rngotiat th agrmnt, nsur that th nw commitmnt provids vn mor valu to th othr prson.12. b consistntabov all, b consistnt in your bhavior. don’t ngag in th bhavior onc in a whil whn it sms convnint. your consistncy is th ky to your trustworthinss. small actions add up and a track rcord of high charactr is invaluabl in any rlationship. bcom intnsly principl-cntrd and trust will follow asily and consistntly.