Th bst spar and shild Th bst spar and shild
Storytllr: Long long ago, thr was a sllr, h took a spar and a shild to th markt, and bgan to sll thm.”
Sllr: Com on, com on, vryon! Com hr and hav a look, I hav th bst spar and shild.
Costmr: wll, thy ar not bad.
Sllr: No bad? Thy ar th bst. Hav you sn my spar? It’s th bst in th world , My spar could stab through any shilds.
Costmr 2: Oh, rally? What about your shild. Sllr: Of cours it’s th bst, too. It can stop any spars in th world.
Wis Fllow:Thn…… ,what if your spar fights against your shild?
Sllr: Sorry! I forgt my own shild?