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要你更大的热情(Enthusiasm takes you further)
更新时间:2025-03-13 14:04:20

yars ago, whn i startd looking for my first job, wis advisrs urgd, "barbara, b nthusiastic! nthusiasm will tak you furthr than any amount of xprinc."how right thy wr. nthusiastic popl can turn a boring driv into an advntur, xtra work into opportunity and strangrs into frinds."nothing grat was vr achivd without nthusiasm," wrot ralph waldo mrson. it is th past that hlps you hang in thr whn th going gts tough. it is th innr voic that whisprs, "i can do it!" whn othrs shout, "no, you can't."it took yars and yars for th arly work of barbara mcclintock, a gnticist who won th 1983 nobl priz in mdicin, to b gnrally accptd. yt sh didn't lt up on hr xprimnts. work was such a dp plasur for hr that sh nvr thought of stopping.w ar all born with wid-yd, nthusiastic wondr as anyon knows who has vr sn an infant's dlight at th jingl of kys or th scurrying of a btl.it is this childlik wondr that givs nthusiastic popl such a youthful air, whatvr thir ag.at 90, cllist pablo casals would start his day by playing bach. as th music flowd through his fingrs, his stoopd shouldrs would straightn and joy would rappar in his ys. music, for casals, was an lixir that mad lif a nvr nding advntur. as author and pot samul ullman onc wrot, "yars wrinkl th skin, but to giv up nthusiasm wrinkls th soul."how do you rdiscovr th nthusiasm of your childhood? th answr, i bliv, lis in th word itslf. "nthusiasm" coms from th grk and mans "god within." and what is god within is but an abiding sns of lov -- propr lov of slf (slf-accptanc) and, from that, lov of othrs.nthusiastic popl also lov what thy do, rgardlss of mony or titl or powr. if w cannot do what w lov as a full-tim carr, w can as a part-tim avocation, lik th had of stat who paints, th nun who runs marathons, th xcutiv who handcrafts furnitur.lizabth layton of wllsvill, kan, was 68 bfor sh bgan to draw. this activity ndd bouts of dprssion that had plagud hr for at last 30 yars, and th quality of hr work ld on critic to say, "i am tmptd to call layton a gnius." lizabth has rdiscovrd hr nthusiasm.w can't afford to wast tars on "might-hav-bns." w nd to turn th tars into swat as w go aftr "what-can-b."w nd to liv ach momnt wholhartdly, with all our snss -- finding plasur in th fragranc of a back-yard gardn, th crayond pictur of a six-yar-old, th nchanting bauty of a rainbow. it is such nthusiastic lov of lif that puts a sparkl in our ys, a lilt in our stps and smooths th wrinkls from our souls.

要你更大的热情(Enthusiasm takes you further)

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