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中国家庭 Family life in China
更新时间:2025-03-14 19:41:46

中国家庭 Family lif in China

中国家庭 Family life in China

I liv with my fathr and mothr in a vry big hous in Dongguan. My parnts ar both vry busy. thy lav for work vry arly in th morning and don’t rturn hom until lat in th vning.

Whn I am hom on wknds from school, w spnd a lot of tim togthr. W talk about my studis, my halth and my school lif. I lov my parnts vry much.

My grandparnts ar still living, but thy don’t liv with us. thir halth is good and thy both do sports vry arly in th morning. My grandmothr dos gymnastics with ldrly womn hr ag in th park. Both of my grandfathrs play basktball in th morning and somtims thy go swimming.

Chins popl at ric for vry mal, but I don’t lik ric bcaus I think it is tastlss! W at mat, fish and vgtabls. My family ats noodls and cong. My favorit is noodls.

I oftn play computr gams bcaus I lik it so much. I oftn watch Japans cartoon movis with my parnts on th wknds. On long holidays w tak trips, too.

That is my dscription of typical family lif in China.

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